
Tire Pressure

Emotional pressure to find speed will be reduced if you manage your tire pressure with a plan. Every set up out there relies on the contact patch and getting the desired pressure at the point the rubber meets the road. Several important factors need to be considered for optimal tire pressure.

To achieve precise tire pressure readings you must have an accurate tire pressure gauge. Starting with the right gauge is paramount. Nearly all gauges are more accurate in the center of the range. For example; a 30 PSI gauge is going to be most accurate between 10 and 20 PSI. It will still work at 5 or 25 PSI but the percentage of error increases. For a 60 pound gauge you will get good results between 20 and 40 PSI. Just as before it will work fine at 15 or 45 PSI but the accuracy percentage goes down.

Analog Tire Pressure Gauges

JOES Tire Pressure Gauges come in three pressure ranges: 0-15 PSI, 3-30 PSI & 5-60 PSI. They are available with a air bleed valve and hold valve models are available.

JOES Digital Tire Pressure Gauges

JOES Digital gauges are available in 0-60 PSI at .1 resolution or 1-150 PSI at .5 resolution.